
Cardiac disease is the most prevalent cause of death in the world today among both men and women. As the epidemics of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes continue to rise in our adults, as well as our children, the fight must begin at the level of the patient. Prevention, through not only education but focusing on motivating the patient to commit to being the best advocate for their own health, is by far the most powerful intervention.

Cardiac disease comes in many forms ranging from atherosclerotic heart disease (“blocked arteries”) to structural heart disease (“heart failure”). Common symptoms include chest pain, discomfort or tightness, shortness of breath and palpitations. Although we specialize in a wide array of diagnostic and interventional therapies listed below, the hallmark of decreasing long-term risk again centers on changing lifestyle habits with appropriate concomitant medical therapy.

Non - Invasive


Ultrasound (Echo, Venous, Arterial, Carotid, Abdominal Aortic)

Nuclear Stress Tests

Extra-corporeal Counterpulsation (ECP)

Holter/Event Monitoring


Heart Catheterization

Coronary Stenting

Transesophageal Echo


Common risk factors affect all the arteries of our body. Tobacco abuse and diabetes, in particular, are synergistic in the role they play in perpetuating vascular disease. Sometimes, peripheral arterial disease can be silent. A stroke may be the first sign of carotid disease without any prior warning. Other times, when arteries of the legs are blocked, leg pain or cramping maybe very disruptive to enjoying simple everyday activities as walking or playing with grandkids.Despite offering diagnostic and interventional therapies to treat peripheral arterial disease, we remain committed again to motivate patients to engage into long-term mortality decreasing interventions such as regular aerobic exercise, eliminating tobacco use and reducing weight.


  • Lower Exremity Angioplasty
  • Atherectomy
  • Stentssubclavian and Mesentric Artery Revasularization


Rather new, compared to arterial disease, the field of venous medicine continues to define what are the appropriate times to intervene in disease states; however, there is no doubt that obesity and lack of exercise uniformly increase the risk of venous disease.

Basic interventions such as compressions during impact training or periods of immobility are vital to prevent complications such as pain and blood clots in the legs. Although there are aesthetic concerns with unsightly varicose veins, they may be a sign of disease states within the venous circulation. Symptomatic venous disease resulting in leg pain, heaviness or swelling can cause significant morbidity (“pain while standing at home or at work”) or can lead to catastrophic events, in certain cases, if clots in deep veins migrate to the lungs.

Our goals are to:

  • Assess the impact of venous disease
  • Use the diagnostic modalities we offer to clearly distinguish when intervening is absolutely necessary versus possibly beneficial
  • Guide our patients to make decisions that will have the most meaningful impact in their everyday lives

Services offered

  • Varicose Vein Treatments (Ablation, Stab Phlebectomy)
  • IVC Filter Placement
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • Pulmonary Embolism Treatments
  • Iliac Vein Stents